Saturday, June 11, 2011

Isometrics paint

Tried o go in and paint some of those isometrics and... I dunno. I really wanted a festive look but if I pu anything more saturated on them they turn out horrible. I am struggling with these!

Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. These are looking awesome! Keep in mind that when you are adding color and multiply layers that you're adding value as well. Because I think in these two you start to loose your middle value. I think the top one holds its values better, but they could still be pushed more. If I if I was to say fix anything before monday I would work on the base of your top painting, I keep looking down at it for some reason. So maybe just get rid of the highlights or something? And when I say base, I'm talking the earth part that would normally be underground. But you're colors are working a lot better this time and over all I think this is a great improvement. I'm just nit picking.
