Monday, June 13, 2011

Norman Yvaine painting

I think these little stars are a little corny, but I kind of love them and I think they fit.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Outline question

Which do you guys prefer? The square was bugging me so I tried something else.

PDF Pages

Here are the pdf pages I just sent to Ryan. I still have one more page for Environments. I am going to try to re-paint one of the isometrics for my environments, so that may change.

New Isometric

Newest version, critique away!!

Norm Boats 02

Here is the boat so far. I'm going to work at it a bit more before turning it in.

Anna's Iso

So here's where I'm at with the iso. I'll obviously clean it up, but I'd like your guys' thoughts on it. I'm considering elongating the trunk slightly and moving the trees on the right a bit to avoid "accidental turtle."
Aside from that I'm finishing the tonal paint of my prop, coloring the environment perspective a bit, and touching up anything left on the character.

I have a final 2:45-4:45, And this one starts at 5, right?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Norm Boats

Here's a bunch of doodles leading up to the final design. I'm in the middle of putting all the bells and whistles on it. Then to paint!